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Rapid Training Development's Advantages

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Rapid Training Development Professionals design training programs by following a five-step process, called Instructional Systems Development. These phases include the analysis, design and development as well as implementation and evaluation. The rapid training phase is where learning materials are created to assist customers and employees. They use a variety of tools to make the process as efficient and effective as possible. Here are some of its benefits. Read on to learn more about how it can benefit your business.

Rapid Prototyping

Rapid prototyping is a great way to quickly test a course without spending a lot of time and money. Rapid prototyping is also useful for complex courses that include multiple multimedia assets and open navigation. Rapid prototyping makes it easy for stakeholders to understand the course of action and quickly allows them to make changes. It will ensure everyone is satisfied with the final result and save you time later.

The process of rapid prototyping is highly effective because it enables you to produce a prototype quickly and cheaply. It is common to need several prototypes before you decide on the final design. In this process, you'll create a mock-up of the desired training material, determine the instructional strategy and technical scope, and review the prototype for usability and functionality. This phase is crucial to the development process since it allows you quickly to test your ideas.

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Drag-and Drop is a powerful method for reordering lists or triggering full-commands. You need to provide feedback and signposts. The motion of dragging an object should be natural. Drag-and-drop can mimic other selection techniques, such as speech ("select the red car"). VR allows the user to grab an object by pressing down on the mouse button and drag it into the desired spot.

A Drag-and–drop question is a great tool to add interactivity and fun to an elearning course. This allows you to quickly create drag-and drop questions without any programming knowledge. The Question Creator can help you create drag-and–drop question. Drag-and-drop makes it simple to create questions for your eLearning courses. When you build a question, you can choose a drag-and-drop question with a few clicks.

Content repurposing

When you have content, there are two ways to leverage it: formal and informal. Formal repurposing strategies begin with a review of your content's current format. In informal settings, content might be just individual shared content objects. However, a company’s repurposing procedures and policies will allow it to apply to a wider range content types and formats. Apart from the formal strategy, it is important to consider the accessibility of content creators.

In situations where compliance laws, corporate culture and employee images cannot be changed, repurposing content can be a great way to speed up training development. The same applies to harassment awareness training and compliance laws. Even if the purpose and content of your content change over time, it doesn't mean that you have to revise it every few years. A standard strategy allows you to reuse content and quickly create new training. However, it's important that you also meet corporate training goals.

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Cost savings

In a technology-driven business world, companies are under increased pressure to cut costs and increase their response time. By reducing the cost of content development, rapid training development software allows companies to reduce costs and increase their response time. Rapid development software provides easy-to-use templates and authoring tools for instructional designers. A company can gain an edge by developing training courses faster and using fewer resources.

Traditional on-site training can be expensive and require extensive development. Rapid eLearning, however, can reduce these costs up to 50%. Because rapid eLearning relies on Subject Matter Experts to write content, there is less chance of content misinterpretation. Moreover, subject matter experts are more likely to engage in their own learning when they have greater ownership of the material. In the end, rapid training development programs offer significant cost savings.


How can I decide which eLearning platform I want to use?

There are thousands upon thousands of eLearning platform options today. Some platforms are free, while others can be more expensive.

There are some things you should ask yourself before making a choice between these options.

  • Do you have the desire to create your own learning materials. You have many options to create your eLearning courses using free tools. These include Adobe Captivate (Articulate Storyline), Lectora (iSpring Suite), and Camtasia.
  • Are there eLearning courses that can be purchased pre-packaged? Many companies offer pre-packaged courses. They cost from $20 to $100 for each course. The most popular ones include Mindjet, Edusoft, and Thinkful.
  • Are you looking for a mix of both? Many people find that they get better results if they combine their own materials with the ones provided by companies.
  • Which option is right? It all depends upon your situation. If you are just starting out with eLearning, you might consider creating your own materials. You may also want to consider buying a pre-designed course once you've gained some experience.

What are the main types of elearning? What are their purpose?

There are three major categories of e-learning:

  1. Content delivery – This type of elearning is designed to give students information. There are many examples, including lesson plans and textbooks.
  2. Instructional design: This type e-learning helps learners to develop their skills. Tutorials and simulations are two examples.
  3. Learning management – This type of eLearning gives instructors tools to organize and track student activity. Examples include virtual classrooms, discussion forums, and virtual classrooms.

How effective is eLearning?

E-learning can be used to deliver learning content anywhere and anytime. It allows learners to access information anywhere, anytime.

E-learning is also a way to provide training programs on demand, without having to travel and/or rent classroom space.


  • The UK sample was relatively balanced in terms of gender (56% male) compared to the Gambian group (77% male). (sciencedirect.com)
  • In the 2017 ATD research report Next-Generation E-Learning, 89% of those surveyed said that changes in e-learning require their staff to update or add new skills. (td.org)
  • E-learning is intended to enhance individual-level performance, and therefore intend to use of e-learning should be predicted by a learner's preference for self-enhancement (Veiga, Floyd, & Dechant, 2001). (sciencedirect.com)
  • However, e-learning courses that are engaging, well-designed, and interesting are likely to be perceived as useful by e-learners (Roca & Gagné, 2008). (sciencedirect.com)

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How To

How can elearning be used to enhance traditional education?

E-learning has been around since the 1980s and is still evolving. There are so many different types of e-learning that it would be impossible to list them all here. However, I will mention the most important ones.

  1. E-learning can be used to supplement traditional learning. One example is that a teacher could use an interactive whiteboard in order to illustrate a concept, while simultaneously recording her voice explaining the concept via audio technology. Students could listen to the audio file after class to reinforce what was taught.
  2. E-learning can replace traditional learning. A student could log in to a website to view a tutorial about a topic. He/she could follow along with the video instructions and complete the exercise at his her leisure.
  3. E-learning is a complement to traditional learning. An e-learning website allows students to access a vast library of information. They can browse the material and then choose which parts they wish to review.
  4. The classroom environment can be extended by e-learning. A tutor might give feedback via email on student work. Students can ask questions via instant messaging to other students.
  5. E-learning can enable distance education. For example, a university lecturer could deliver lectures over the internet to hundreds of students around the world.
  6. Corporate training can be supported by e-learning. Many companies offer webinars to keep employees updated on new products and services.
  7. E-learning can enhance academic performance. For example, students enrolled in a MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) could participate in discussion forums, submit their own content or even earn badges by completing certain tasks.
  8. E-learning can improve communication skills. A student could, for example, send an assignment to another student by email.
  9. E-learning may help you develop critical thinking skills. Students could, for example, create podcasts or blogs to share their views on a topic.
  10. E-learning can assist with problem-solving. A group of students could collaborate via Google Docs to complete a project.
  11. Collaboration can be achieved through e-learning. For example, two students could meet up in person to discuss a problem. If one of the students was at home, they could still communicate via Skype.
  12. Self-directed learning can be possible with e-learning. Students can, for example, set their own goals and deadlines while completing a course.
  13. E-learning can encourage creativity. For example, students might upload videos of themselves performing art projects.
  14. E-learning is a way to foster independence. You might let your child play educational games for fun without any parental supervision.
  15. E-learning can encourage lifelong learning. Older people, for example, can still learn new things if they have internet access.


Rapid Training Development's Advantages