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Video Training Solutions

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Video training solutions may be a powerful tool in onboarding new employees, increasing their productivity, as well as ensuring they have the core competencies that are required to succeed at work. You can also provide complete training via video training because of its flexibility. Video training solutions give long-term employees the tools they require to stay current on best practices as well as learn about new operations.


EdApp is an educational platform that allows you upload video to any lesson. The system also supports SCORM-compliant video learning. Create a lesson using EdApp. Next, upload videos from YouTube or Vimeo to create a course. After that, you can configure video playback options. You can then choose whether the videos will play automatically, on-demand, or with a skip option.

articulate instructional design


Kaltura is an international provider of videolearning solutions. They offer a suite to help people communicate, collaborate, learn, and entertain. Its solutions are flexible and can be customized for the needs of individual users or entire teams.


Panopto is an online video content management tool that allows you to scale your training programs. Users can record training sessions, share them with colleagues, and create public links to the videos. It has many features that encourage active learning. Video analytics tools allow instructors to see which sections of training are viewed most often, which can help them improve their lessons and increase student engagement.


MediashareiQ Enterprise Video Management System helps organizations achieve their employee development and training goals. The company's video-based solutions simplify employee onboarding and training. They also provide access to live and recorded corporate events. MediashareiQ's suite includes apps to help companies create and manage training videos.

Kaltura Video Portal

Kaltura Video Portal allows you to manage and create online video courses. Its full video editing suite and enrichment suite help you easily create and manage your videos. Interactive video paths can also be made to help students navigate the content. Kaltura Video Portal organizes, manages, and makes sure that your content can be found and searchable. It also offers advanced analytics and monetization tools that will help you optimize your videos.

moodle vs blackboard

Khan Academy

Khan Academy is an excellent way to help your student perform better. The Khan Academy provides parents and teachers with free tools to help them understand their students' progress, and create more personalized learning experiences. Khan Academy gives students the opportunity to select topics to learn more about. This makes Khan Academy a truly engaging learning environment.


What equipment does eLearning require?

Start an online course by making sure you have everything setup correctly. You'll probably want to use Adobe Captivate as well as a webcam and microphone.

You must also make sure that you have the correct software installed. This includes Microsoft Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Adobe Acrobat Reader Flash Player Java Runtime Environment QuickTime 7 & Shockwave Flash 10.0.

Another option is to use a screen capture software such as Camtasia Studio, TechSmith. This program allows you record what is going on in your computer's screen while you are working.

Finally, you might want to download a web conferencing tool like WebEx or GoToMeeting. These programs let you connect with others who are viewing the same presentation simultaneously. They let you share your Desktop with others.

What are some of the key obstacles to eLearning success?

The biggest challenge in e-Learning lies not in technicality but rather in culture. It's about people and how they interact.

Understanding their motivations and learning styles is crucial. Also, we need to find out what makes them feel most comfortable learning online.

This is where it's important to find ways of making this experience as natural and enjoyable as possible.

Is eLearning effective?

E-learning is an effective tool for delivering learning content from anywhere at any time. It provides learners with access to information anytime, anywhere.

You can also deliver training programs online without having to travel or rent classroom space.

How much multimedia should an eLearning course contain?

The answer will depend on what you want. If you're looking for quick information delivery, then less is likely to be the best. However, if you are looking at delivering training that will help people learn how to do something, then more may be better.

It is important to understand what you want from your eLearning course. It is also important to know what learners want from your course. This will help you ensure you have sufficient content to meet your goals.

For example:

To teach people how to use Microsoft Word, it is best to provide lots of examples of text documents. If you are trying to teach people Excel, however, they will need to see many different types.

Also, consider whether or not you will use images or video to illustrate your concepts.

Video is great for teaching people how to do things, but it's not as good at explaining complex topics. It can also be very costly to produce. Although images are less expensive to produce than videos, they convey the same emotion as video.

The bottom line is that you must think about your goals before you design an eLearning course.


  • India's PC market clocks 9.2% growth to 3.4 million units in the September quarter (economictimes.indiatimes.com)
  • The UK sample was relatively balanced in terms of gender (56% male) compared to the Gambian group (77% male). (sciencedirect.com)
  • Reliability, validity, and descriptive statistics (The Gambia). Empty CellCRAVEMeanSDACBICOEEHABHEHMPEPOPVSESITRAC0.770.635.080.842) in behavioral intention to use e-learning in The Gambia (53%) and the UK (52%), (sciencedirect.com)
  • In the 2017 ATD research report Next-Generation E-Learning, 89% of those surveyed said that changes in e-learning require their staff to update or add new skills. (td.org)

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How To

What are some examples in elearning? What are the benefits of using eLearning?

There are many kinds of elearning available.

  1. Distance Learning - A distance learning program takes place entirely through the internet.
  2. Onsite Training- This is a program where a group of people come together to receive training.
  3. Virtual Classroom – A virtual classroom allows students and teachers to communicate via chat rooms, forums, or other computer-based means.
  4. Webinars – Webinars allow you to present live over the internet. These allow you to make real-time connections with your audience.
  5. Self-Paced Classes - These courses are self-paced and do not require an instructor. You can log in whenever you're able.
  6. Interactive Tutorials - Interactive tutorials are designed to teach users how to perform specific tasks.
  7. Social Media Learning Platforms - Social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter provide a great platform for learning. Students can ask questions and share their ideas with others, as well as get feedback from peers and friends.
  8. Online Forums - Online forums are a good way to discuss topics related to your field of study.
  9. Podcasting - Podcasting is the process of creating audio files that can be downloaded and listened to later.
  10. Video Conferencing - Video conferencing allows two or more people to meet face to face virtually.
  11. Mobile Apps are created for tablets and smartphones.
  12. Online Quizzes – Online quizzes allow you to quickly assess your knowledge on a particular topic.
  13. Discussion Boards – These online communities allow you to post messages, view messages from others and respond to them.
  14. Website Content Management System (CMS) – CMSs allow website owners to update their site content easily.
  15. Blogging - These are websites that allow users to leave comments and offer opinions.
  16. Wikis: Wikis can be used to collaborate and allow multiple users simultaneously to edit pages.
  17. Chat Rooms- Chat rooms can be used to exchange ideas with other users online.
  18. Email Lists: Email lists are groups or email addresses that you can use to send messages.
  19. RSS Feeds – RSS feeds can be described as news aggregators that gather articles from multiple sources and present them in an easily-read list.


Video Training Solutions