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Online Courses - Summative & Formative Assessment

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You have many options for student assessment online. One of them is Formative assessment. These concerns concern academic integrity and determining the best ways to use the internet environment. They also include concerns regarding plagiarism detection software. Let's examine some of these options. Once you have made your choice, the online environment can be modified as per your preference. You can view a demo by clicking here. For Formative assessment, you can also customize your online class.

Formative assessment

Providing formative student assessments online is a great way to provide valuable feedback to students. For teachers, formative assessment tools allow them to track performance and provide instant feedback. However, parents should be given clear instructions on how they can communicate the results of the formative assessment. Instructions can be posted online or made available to parents for pick-up. There are many types of formative student assessments that can be done online. Here are seven popular forms that can be used to guide instruction. These tools can help students achieve higher grades if they are used correctly.

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Academic integrity

The online environment is not unique in the issue of academic integrity for student assessment. Online instructors are less likely to interact with students face-to–face so it is important that they communicate course expectations and guidelines clearly. Students may also commit misconduct when they are not aware of academic integrity standards, and the instructions provided for the assignment may be unclear. These situations can be prevented by a statement of academic integrity.

Online-friendly techniques

Effective online teaching requires student assessment. Two types of assessment are available: summative as well as formative. While summative assessment are done at the end, formative assessments take place at different stages of the learning process. Western's eLearning Toolkit offers a variety of online assessment tools. Here are some guidelines for effective assessment. It is important to clearly define the learning outcomes and objectives before you start.

Online courses can be prone to plagiarism detection software

To better inform their students about plagiarism, some academic programs use plagiarism detection software. These programs can be used to punish students, but they can also improve the quality of written assignments. They can also provide formative feedback and help with grading before assignments are due. This article examines some of the issues surrounding plagiarism detection software used in online courses. These concerns will hopefully be addressed in this article.

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Developing a strong online learning community

The development of a strong online learning community to support student assessment is much more than technology. It is about creating an online presence, trusting others, and offering guidance and support. Having an online presence is especially important for online courses, where the physical presence of a teacher is not always possible. You can build a strong online learning community by providing an orientation module to new students that explains course content and meets the instructor.


What is eLearning?

E-learning can be time-consuming and requires effort. It also requires an understanding of how people learn. The learning experience should be designed around what learners want to achieve.

The content should be engaging and pertinent. Visual aids like images, animations, videos, and interactive elements should be included in learning materials.

E-learning should be fun and engaging. It should have a strong focus on learner motivation. This includes encouraging and providing feedback to learners who are working hard towards reaching their goals.

What are the various types of e-learning available? Which are their purposes

There are three major types of elearning:

  1. Content delivery – This type is e-learning that provides information to students. There are many examples, including lesson plans and textbooks.
  2. Instructional design is a type of eLearning that focuses on teaching learners skills. Examples of this include simulations and tutorials.
  3. Learning management – This type of eLearning gives instructors tools to organize and track student activity. Examples of these include discussion forums and virtual classes.

What is eLearning?

E-learning is an online learning solution for individuals, organizations, and institutions. It is a method to transmit information and instruct over electronic media like computers, mobile devices and other digital technology.

This type of learning uses technology, not physical materials, to deliver the content.

E-learning is not confined to traditional classroom settings but may also take place at home, on the road, or anywhere else where people have access to the Internet.


  • E-learning is intended to enhance individual-level performance, and therefore intend to use of e-learning should be predicted by a learner's preference for self-enhancement (Veiga, Floyd, & Dechant, 2001). (sciencedirect.com)
  • In the 2017 ATD research report Next-Generation E-Learning, 89% of those surveyed said that changes in e-learning require their staff to update or add new skills. (td.org)
  • The UK sample was relatively balanced in terms of gender (56% male) compared to the Gambian group (77% male). (sciencedirect.com)
  • India's PC market clocks 9.2% growth to 3.4 million units in the September quarter (economictimes.indiatimes.com)

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How To

What type of technology should i use?

There are many options available depending on the device your learner uses.

  1. Computer-based courses must be taught on a computer.
  2. Mobile devices like smartphones and tablets can be used to deliver eLearning classes.
  3. It is possible to use both mobile devices and computers to deliver courses.
  4. Some companies offer eLearning courses via DVD discs that can be viewed on any type of computer.
  5. The most popular option is to create web pages where users can view the material online.
  6. You can also use hybrid solutions, where one part of the course can be delivered via a website and another through a CD/DVD.
  7. A few organizations also offer free eLearning classes over the phone. These courses can also be recorded by the learners and played back later.


Online Courses - Summative & Formative Assessment